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Cleaning Your Home After a Remodel

Remodeling your home is always an exciting time. It makes you feel like you’ve bought a brand-new house. But really all you’re doing is giving it a facelift. You’re making it feel fresh and giving it some new things to make your rooms pop and your guests surprised. When you get experts to remodel your house, you’re left with a feeling like no other. But you’re also left with a little bit of cleanup. And some people are surprised that there’s actually a proper way to go about it, phases and all. So today we’re going to go over those fades. It’s with you so you know how to clean your home after a remodel. It’s time to take the stress out of cleaning.

Rough Cleaning 

This first stage is called rough cleaning. And this is where you begin to put the pieces in place. This is where you’ll start sweeping, moving away debris, taking out any equipment that no longer needs to be in that house, and getting rid of the rough edges. This is where you prime the area for the more intensive cleaning faces. Think of this as the first step. You don’t have to go crazy but you definitely want to get the bulk of everything out of the way.

Light Cleaning

This next stage may be called light cleaning but it’s actually the most labor-intensive. This is where you bring in the heavy machinery to really finish the job off in terms of polishing everything that needs to be cleaned. Whether you need to do some sanding or just scrub some areas that really need some deep cleansing, this is the stage where you get a little dirty in cleaning up. But, this is where you’ll see the most significant difference in the cleanup stages.

Finishing Clean 

And last, but certainly not least we end off with the finishing clean. This is as you would expect, this is where you would add the finishing touch to everything. You want to make sure that there’s no debris left around, no dust, nothing that would make your house look dirty. With all the machinery out of the way and all the tools gone, you can now just spruce up and settle into your newly remodeled home. This is also the part where you can patch yourself on the back with a job well done. You’ve just remodeled your home and you can enjoy it.

If you’re looking to remodel your home, give Selective Remodeling a call at 631-736-5049.

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